2024 Bags of Love Christmas Appeal
Buy a Bag of Love for a Older or disabled person in the community
Bags of love are delivered to our Older and disabled people ensuring that they have have something special for Christmas
Bags of love are delivered to our Older and disabled people ensuring that they have have something special for Christmas
Purchase your bag of love today or email the office to order
Winter Warmer Appeal 2024
Times are really tough and right now, the challenges older people are facing are enormous.
As the temperatures plummet and energy bills skyrocket, we are seeing an unprecedented rise in older people needing support.
Please donate and help more older people through the cold, challenging months ahead.
Your gift will help us provide the basic essentials. Your support can help them to buy food, warm clothes, pay for the heating and lighting.
As the temperatures plummet and energy bills skyrocket, we are seeing an unprecedented rise in older people needing support.
Please donate and help more older people through the cold, challenging months ahead.
Your gift will help us provide the basic essentials. Your support can help them to buy food, warm clothes, pay for the heating and lighting.
Communicare has evolved over the past 65 years, and we are more than just friendship groups. Communicare offers our Senior community a wrap-around service.
During our sessions, we identify issues where pride often comes in the way, and our Seniors suffer in silence rather than asking for help.
Communicare is a non-threatening organisation that is not a government agency. We support our community of seniors through friendship. Each member is known to the staff, and the issues highlighted are quickly dealt with.
This can only be done with the support of the community.
Communicare is seeking support from Individuals, companies, and power companies to help make life easier for these often-forgotten communities.
Your donation will support the needs of members.
Assistance in meeting energy costs.
Warm clothes
Doctor appointments
Even outings as a group.
Help Us to help Them.
If you would like to talk to Communicare about Sponsorship email the Manager
During our sessions, we identify issues where pride often comes in the way, and our Seniors suffer in silence rather than asking for help.
Communicare is a non-threatening organisation that is not a government agency. We support our community of seniors through friendship. Each member is known to the staff, and the issues highlighted are quickly dealt with.
This can only be done with the support of the community.
Communicare is seeking support from Individuals, companies, and power companies to help make life easier for these often-forgotten communities.
Your donation will support the needs of members.
Assistance in meeting energy costs.
Warm clothes
Doctor appointments
Even outings as a group.
Help Us to help Them.
If you would like to talk to Communicare about Sponsorship email the Manager